Expense reports are the bane of any business traveler’s existence. They suck – flat out. They take so long to do, and then when you’re finally ready to sit down for four hours and map out where you’ve been the last three months… you realize, half your receipts are who knows where.
Let’s say you take an Uber to your Westin hotel, get a Starbucks in the lobby before checking in, oh and on your flight here you used Gogo wifi. Well, right there is four different receipts you’d need to chase down via paper receipt or logging into your accounts. That is time consuming and there has to be a better way, right?
Well, if you use Concur for expense reporting, as I do (and so many businesses do these days) there is a way to make expense time a little less painful.
The Concur App Center
To connect your apps to your account just click the app center tab.

Then search for the app you’d like to connect, click learn more, then connect.
After you make a purchase, you’ll find the receipt auto imported into your available expenses. Just move it into a new expense report (or a current one) and you’re set to get paid!
Of course, you may ask, how do you stop personal expenses from going into Concur? Well, for apps like Starbucks and Uber, you can create separate profiles. To learn more on creating profiles for Uber, click here.