Strange, Random, and Completely Worth Stopping For: The Best Roadside Attractions Across the U.S.

best roadside attractions

There’s something about a good roadside attraction. Not the Grand Canyon, not a famous landmark—just something weird enough to make you say, wait, what? and pull over. Maybe it’s a giant fiberglass prairie dog, a traffic light that’s upside down on purpose, or a drive-thru tree that is so interesting, you drive through twice. Some … [Read more…]

RV Life and the Art of Letting Go

There’s something freeing about RV life. Everything has a place. You only bring what you need. There’s no abundance of clothes or gadgets—just the essentials, and somehow, that’s enough. Maybe even more than enough. The Shift to Minimalism Before hitting the road, I expected the downsizing to be hard. But honestly? It wasn’t. There were … [Read more…]

The Best Campsite We Never Booked – in Marfa, Texas

RV at a desert rest area

You’d think after all our time RVing, we’d have campsite reservations locked down. We thought we had this one locked down. I was sure of it. And yet… somehow, I got the dates wrong. So there we were, rolling into Marfa, Texas—this tiny, artsy, middle-of-nowhere town—when we realized: we don’t actually have a place to … [Read more…]

Layoffs, Closures, and Chaos: What’s Happening to Our National Parks?

National Parks Need You with image of the Grand Canyon

We love national parks. We love U.S. public lands. Even Frank is a Bark Ranger. On our trip across the U.S., we hiked, camped, and explored so many national parks, forests, and monuments. Keweenaw National Historic Park, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Redwoods, White Sands, Carlsbad Caverns, Mount Rainier—the list … [Read more…]