Most Common Driving Laws by State in Map Form

illegal to drive

Are you taking a road trip this holiday season? Some states driving laws are quirky, to say the least. For example, did you know that drinking while driving is illegal in every state – except for Mississippi? Or that New Hampshire is the only state where driving without a seatbelt is legal? created a … [Read more…]

McMenamins Edgefield Resort- Troutdale (Portland), OR: Weekend Adventure with Beer, Live Music, Soaking Pool

beer sampler edgefield

Chad and I drove down to Portland for a mini-vacation at McMenamins Edgefield. McMenamins Edgefield is a resort hotel converted from a 1911 farm with many different bars, restaurants, activities, soaking pool, etc. But when I say resort… well, it feels more like an adult summer camp (which is awesome, btw). I’ve been wanting to … [Read more…]